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1. De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten is a partnership established in Capelle a/d IJssel.
2. Assignments, services and/or instructions,, with the exception of Articles 7:404 and 7:407 Paragraph 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, are exclusively accepted and carried out by the partnership of De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten.
3. Any liability of De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten is limited to the amount to be paid out under the professional liability insurance in the case in question. If requested, information will be provided about the (coverage provided by the) professional liability insurance taken out by De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten. If, for whatever reason, no cover is provided for the claim(s) under the liability insurance, the liability of De Haij & Van der Wende is limited to the invoice amount that relates to the part of the assignment, service and/or instruction in question, up to a maximum of €25,000.00.
4. When engaging third parties, De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten will consult with the client concerned as much as possible in advance and will in any case exercise due care in the selection of third parties. De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten is not liable for any shortcomings of these third parties and is authorised to accept on behalf of the client any possible limitation of liability on the part of third parties which it has involved, without prior consultation with the client.
5. Anyone who makes use of the services of De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten gives prior permission to those who provide these services to use the data, as well as to forward the details to others of De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten (other than those directly involved in the case) should this be useful and/or necessary in the context of relationship management.
6. The legal relationship between De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten and the client, as well as those who use its services, is subject to Dutch law. Complaints about our services will be settled in accordance with the Complaints Procedure of De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten. The Complaints Procedure will be sent to you upon first request but can also be found on our website ( Should this arrangement not offer a satisfactory solution, disputes will be settled by the Geschillencommissie Advocatuur (Disputes Committee for the Legal Profession), insofar as it concerns a dispute about the quality of the services, the amount of fees on the invoice, or claims for compensation (damages) up to a maximum of €10,000.00. The regulations of the Geschillencommissie Advocatuur (Disputes Committee for the Legal Profession) can be obtained from the secretary of the committee, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP, The Hague.
7. All rights of claim and any other legal actions of any kind against De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten in connection with activities performed by De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten will in any case lapse one year after the date on which the client concerned became aware of or could reasonably have been aware of the existence of these rights and legal actions.
8. All the stipulations in these general terms and conditions are also drawn up for the benefit of the partners of De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten, as well as for the directors of the private limited companies in their capacity as partners of De Haij & Van der Wende Advocaten companies and all those who work or have worked for the partnership.
9. These general terms and conditions have been drawn up in the Dutch and English language. The Dutch text is binding.